Final Fantasy Models

 "Young, beautiful, and somewhat mysterious, Aerith met Cloud while selling flowers on the streets of Midgar..."

 Aerith Gainsborough is our first FF lat model that we ever achieved in making successfully.  She was inspired by Lukameg's Aerith model and from there we have made many more :) 

Aerith is our first stepping stone into the world of creating MikuMikuDance Models and therefore will always hold a special place in our hearts.

She is the most worked on model and the most valuble to me and my sister.  She has many versions including crisis core, Kingdom of Hearts, Wall Market etc.

 "Originally a member of SOLDIER, he is now a mercenary who will take any job..."

Cloud is our second Model that we made and as you can see we make two versions of the males, one in a lat and one in a Kaito base (Kio's base).

Cloud is one of my (Pucaroo16) favourite models as he is my favourite Final Fantasy character throughout the entire series therefore is very special to me :)  He too has a variation of models including Wall Market, Kingdom of Hearts, Advent children etc.

 "I am the chosen one. I have been chosen to rule this planet."

Sephiroth was made when we had more experience of taking one item off one model and putting it onto another.  It was difficult to come up with good long hair but we find a solution and now we have Sephiroth to terrorise our MMD world. 

 "Boy oh boy... the price of freedom is steep."

 Zack Fair was interesting to make as we couldn't decide what eye colour to give him as some people prefer him to have blue but some prefer him to have purple but in the end my little sister requested that he have purple eyes.

Zack is one of our more simpler models and sadly he is only has one other costume which is a hoodie version however we will make more in the future!


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