Final Fantasy Models

 "Wings symbolize freedom for those who have none. They don't symbolize monsters."

 Cissnei was made after Yuffie and was easy to make despite having some problems with her hair.  At the moment Cissnei only has one other outfit which is her Turk outfit.

 "Bright and optimistic, Tifa always cheers up the others when they're down. But don't let her looks fool you, she can decimate almost any enemy with her fists..."

 Tifa was our second female model we made and was very difficult to make due to her skirt and top but through hard work and deadacation, me and my sister managed to finally produce the model that you see before you.

Like Aerith she has various outfits some which are her Cowboy outfit, Wall Market,Advent Children etc.

 "A mystical man, stern and upright while at the same time dark and mysterious..."

Vincent was made later on in our model project and was very easy to make.  He has a Lat version as well however he is not quite finished. 

 "Cunning and sly, she may look like a common thief, but Yuffie is a very skilled ninja..."

Yuffie was made some time later once I had made many more female lat FF models, she was on of my more easier models to make however a lot of work still went into her.

At the moment Yuffie only has one other outfit but will hopefully have more in the future.

 "My soul, corrupted by vengeance, hath endured torment to find the end of the journey, in my own salvation and your eternal slumber."

 Genesis was one of our latest male characters to make and one of the hardest as we had a few problems with his coat however as you will see from the game ripped version done by my little sister Littleaerith2140, his coat will have no physics and instead move with his legs.

 "Embrace your dreams. If you want to be a hero you need to have dreams... and honor."

 Angeal was made before Genesis and was easy enough until we had to do his hair.  it still needs worked on however for now he is finsihed.


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